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last100powerballwinningnumbers| The annual report of the Beijing Stock Exchange closed: More than 90% of the Beijing Stock Exchange companies had positive net profit, and the performance of 12 companies doubled!

Pets 2024-04-30 04:22 60 editor

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On the evening of April 29, the annual report of the Beijing Stock Exchange revealed that the total revenue of 248 listed companies in 2023 was all positive, a total of 226 companies returned to the mother with a positive net profit, with a profit area of 91.Last100powerballwinningnumbers.13%, Bertre, Liancheng CNC, Tongli shares ranked in the top of the net profit; in terms of net profit growth, the net profit of 12 companies doubled over the same period last year, including Digital people, Hanxin Technology, Hengtuo Open Source and so on.

At the same time, the quarterly report also continues to disclose. Shen Wanhongyuan said that the market Nuggets reported higher-than-expected stocks in the first quarter, focusing on companies with clear performance growth and companies with signs of marginal improvement or even reversal, and top-down attention to technology stocks with weak correlation between stock price performance and performance. focus on the possibility of an active theme after the increase in market activity.

28 companies have a net profit of more than 100 million yuan.

According to the statistics of Wind, 226of the 248listed companies have positive return net profit, with a profit area of 91.13%. A total of 28 companies have a net profit of more than 100 million yuan, of which the net profits of Beitri, Liancheng CNC and Tongli are 1.654 billion yuan, 681 million yuan and 615 million yuan respectively. The net profits of Silane Technology, Jinbo Biology, Jilin carbon Valley and Qingmoment Technology are all more than 200 million yuan.

Beitri continues to be the "profit king" of the Northern Stock Exchange. under the background of intensified competition in the global lithium materials industry, as a global leading company of negative materials, Bertre promotes efficiency internally, creates value from external layout, and promotes all kinds of work in a down-to-earth manner. In 2023, the company achieved operating income of 25.119 billion yuan, down 2.18% from the same period last year; net profit from home was 1.654 billion yuan, down 28.42% from the same period last year; and net profit from non-return was 1.58 billion yuan, down 2.59% from the same period last year. Compared with the same period of the previous year data, the overall revenue and deduction of non-return net profit gap is not large, the industry downward period shows business resilience.

It is worth mentioning that, as a new energy materials R & D and manufacturing enterprise, Bertre always insists on taking technological innovation as the lead, through continuous high-intensity R & D investment, leading product technological innovation and building long-term competitive advantage. In 2023, the company invested 958 million yuan in R & D, accounting for 3.82% of the operating income of that year, and the amount of R & D investment also ranked first in the Beijing Stock Exchange.

Liancheng CNC released its 2023 annual report on the evening of April 26th. During the period, the net profit belonging to the owner of the parent company was 681 million yuan, up 50.66% from the same period last year; operating income was 6.002 billion yuan, up 59.1% from the same period last year; and basic earnings per share was 2.92 yuan, up 50.52% from the same period last year. Liancheng CNC said that thanks to the sustained and steady growth of global photovoltaic and semiconductor market demand, industry technological innovation and policy support and other comprehensive factors, the market demand of photovoltaic and semiconductor enterprises still maintained positive growth. Centering on the sustainable development strategy of "photovoltaic + semiconductor" dual industry, the company has further optimized the industrial layout, strengthened market development, achieved substantial growth in new orders, shipping scale and acceptance scale, and the company's profitability has been significantly enhanced compared with the same period last year.

Tongli shares achieved operating income of 5.86 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 12.67% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 615 million yuan, an increase of 31.82% over the same period last year. The company's gross profit margin rose to 22.74%, which it said was mainly due to the launch of large-scale domestic products and a sharp increase in overseas sales revenue. Judging from the sub-regional situation of income, Tongli shares increased by 5.63% year-on-year in China and 68.52% abroad last year. Tongli said that looking to the future, after seven years of continuous rapid growth, the domestic market has returned from rapid growth to a relatively normal and stable stage; the overseas market is still a market full of opportunities, and it is expected that high growth will be maintained in the future.

In terms of R & D expenditure, Bertre took the lead, followed by Liancheng CNC with 255 million yuan, and the R & D cost of recreation and health reached more than 200 million yuan. The R & D expenses of Anda Technology, Yingtai Biology, Changhong Energy, Deyuan Pharmaceutical, Lilda and Tongli reached more than 100 million yuan.

Net profits of 12 companies doubled

Statistics also show that a total of 12 Beijing Stock Exchange companies doubled their net profits in 2023, including Digital Human, Hanxin Technology, Hengtuo Kaiyuan, Jinbo Biology, Haosheng Electronics, Xujie Technology, shared Technology, Gobijia, and so on.

In 2023, Dianren achieved a total operating income of 96.5787 million yuan, an increase of 35.21% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 11.6383 million yuan, an increase of 374.21% over the same period last year. Digital people said that the company continues to promote the construction of the market service network and optimize the market strategic layout: digital medical education is the company's main business segment, and its products have been widely used in more than 500 medical colleges and dozens of science and technology pavilions across the country. The international business is a new market that the company focuses on opening up. With the technological breakthroughs and quality improvement of the products, the products have been sold on a pilot basis in more than 30 overseas countries. In the future, we will use this as a business support point to carry out publicity and promotion activities in an all-round way. Continue to expand the share of products in new markets Cloud service is the innovation of the new business model. The company develops a new business model and strives to optimize the model of "from selling products to selling services". At present, the system has been launched, which can meet the ubiquitous application scenarios of customers.

last100powerballwinningnumbers| The annual report of the Beijing Stock Exchange closed: More than 90% of the Beijing Stock Exchange companies had positive net profit, and the performance of 12 companies doubled!

Digital person, the company established with many medical colleges and universities in ChinaLast100powerballwinningnumbersWe have established a good cooperative relationship. Since 2014, we have jointly developed high-precision digital human products with Shandong University and Inner Mongolia Medical University, and have completed the acquisition and processing of high-resolution human sectional image data. at present, we have begun product research and development in the fields of clinical diagnosis assistance and sports anatomy, while experts from well-known colleges and universities such as Shandong University and the Army Medical University of the Chinese people's Liberation Army have been hired as consultants. So that the R & D talent team has the R & D strength in the dual fields of medicine and software, as well as related professional R & D experience in structural design, software and hardware development, as well as optical, mechanical and electrical integrated image transmission and processing, it provides talent guarantee for the basic R & D and upgrading of the company's medical education information core products.

Hanxin Technology disclosed its annual report for 2023 on April 23rd. During the period, the company achieved a total operating income of 364 million yuan, an increase of 139.64% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 30.0143 million yuan, reversing losses over the same period last year.

Liu Wenyi, chairman of Hanxin Technology, said that the company's business strategic layout of "one base and two wings" in 2023 was reached as scheduled. The project of Jinan artificial Intelligence Computing Center undertaken by the company has been successfully delivered and put into operation, which is a typical case of the construction of artificial intelligence computing resources, and has successfully constructed the complete capability from the construction of intelligent city to the construction and operation of new digital infrastructure. The company built and delivered Yantai's first intelligent network demonstration road in the field of vehicle-road collaborative intelligent network connection business, realizing the breakthrough of the business plate from product research and development to industrial landing from 0 to 1, and the intelligent network connection business began to contribute to revenue; with the release of the "Hangongyun" industrial Internet platform, the ecology of Hanxin industrial intelligence industry has taken shape.

Liu Wenyi said that the company continued to deepen its cooperation with Huawei in 2023. After becoming an official supplier of artificial intelligence algorithm services in Huawei's industrial sector in 2022, it became Huawei's partner in the AI Framework & large Model Innovation Center in 2023, and signed a contract with Huawei in early 2024 to co-create the research and development of large models in the chemical industry based on Huawei Pangu model.

Liu Wenyi said that in 2023, the company continued to improve the construction of product channels, and successively established ecological cooperation with Caos COSMOPlat platform, China Mobile and Chaochao. Based on years of artificial intelligence technology precipitation, industry practice and large model research, and combined with the scene requirements of industrial enterprises, the company has created a "Hangongyun" industrial Internet platform covering vertical industry large models and scene application small models. The platform will provide one-stop digital solutions for industrial enterprises, with "AI+ Industrial Vision" and "AI+ Digital Factory" as the core products. Join hands with partners to build "AI+X" industrial enterprise digital enabling ecology.

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