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Pets 2024-05-03 22:22 62 editor

Microsoft internal email "outflow"Hiddentigercrouchingghost: spend 10 billion to invest in OpenAI in 2019HiddentigercrouchingghostBecause it is so far behind Google.

"I became very, very worried when I studied deeply and tried to understand the capability gap between Google and us in model training," Microsoft's CTO said in an email. "

Author: Li Xiaoyin

Source of this article: hard AI

The internal email revealed the "original intention" of Microsoft's investment in OpenAI.

On Tuesday, the Justice Department released an internal Microsoft email titled "thinking about OpenAI" sent in June 2019 while pushing ahead with an antitrust case against Google, according to media reports.

The email was sent by Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and co-founder Bill Gates. Only a month after the email was sent, Microsoft announced that it and OpenAI had become the "preferred partner" for the commercialization of technology and invested 1 billion US dollars in the latter.

It is reported that Scott wrote in his email:

"We are many years behind our competitors in terms of machine learning scale."

Scott also detailed in the email how Microsoft engineers spent six months copying and training Google's Bert language model, and concluded: our infrastructure is not up to the task.


Scott said he was initially skeptical of OpenAI and Google DeepMind's AI efforts because the companies were competing for who "can achieve the most impressive game stunts"-which analysts point to Google DeepMind's AlphaGo Zero demonstration.

But when it comes to the natural language processing model, Scott writes:

"I became very, very worried when I studied deeply and tried to understand the ability gap between Google and us in model training."

Scott said some of Google's early AI models helped it gain a competitive advantage over Bing, and he even praised Google's auto-completion features in the 2019 Gmail, which "have become very good."

Nadella responded to Scott's idea about OpenAI, forwarding it to Amy Hood, Microsoft's chief financial officer, and saying, "that's why I want to do this."

According to media reports, although Bill Gates resigned from Microsoft's board in 2020, he is still an important part of Microsoft's ongoing relationship with OpenAI, and Gates has been meeting regularly with OpenAI since 2016 and helped broker the deal.

So far, Microsoft has invested more than $13 billion in OpenAI and added its model to Office applications, its Bing search engine, Edge, and even its Windows operating system. Thanks to its investment and support for OpenAI, Microsoft is now regarded as the leader in the AI competition.

This article comes from the Wechat official account "hard AI". For more AI cutting-edge information, please step here.

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