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50freespincoinmaster| Too arrogant! Gao Fangxin's Weixin Official Accounts repeatedly "touched porcelain" for private placement of tens of billions, but the real official Weibo was forced to change its name

Politics 2024-04-27 22:42 52 editor

50freespincoinmaster| Too arrogant! Gao Fangxin's Weixin Official Accounts repeatedly "touched porcelain" for private placement of tens of billions, but the real official Weibo was forced to change its name

On the home page of the official website of 10 billion Private Placement Shanghai Shifeng Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shifeng assets"), "Special Tip announcement on reminding investors of fraudulent activities in the name of Shifeng assets" appears prominently in the middle of the page.

Among them, "recently, there have been fake investment information or promotional projects published in the name of Shanghai Shifeng Asset Management Co., Ltd. and fund managers through social media platforms and various channels to defraud the public's personal information and money, which has seriously damaged the rights and interests of investors and the reputation of the company." "if investors find any illegal acts of false use, please immediately report to the public security organs and regulatory departments, or consult or report to Shifeng assets through official channels."

It is worth noting that the announcement will be signed on February 20, 2021. However, the means of fraudsters are difficult to prevent, and the experienced Shi Feng assets of "anti-fraud" are still targeted by swindlers. On April 15, an IP dependency registered the official account "Shifeng assets" of Wechat with an individual industrial and commercial household named "ou Ruibo Information Consulting Service Department, Licheng District, Putian City" in Liaoning Province. Then, on April 22nd, the official Wechat account of the real Shifeng asset certification was "Shanghai Shifeng Asset Management Co., Ltd." to avoid further losses.

Not only Shi Feng assets, the Huaxia Times reporter incomplete statistics, Shanghai Chengrui Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chengrui Investment") and Shenzhen Chengqi Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chengqi assets") these two 10 billion private equity also encountered the same problem, and even led to the original official Wechat official account can not be used properly, changed the name to regain the right to use.

Impersonate 10 billion private equity Wechat official account

In this counterfeiting incident, Shi Feng assets promptly passed the certification of the official Wechat official account "Shanghai Shifeng Asset Management Co., Ltd." to warn investors to prevent some lawbreakers from confusing true and false information. But Chengrui Investment and Chengqi assets were not so lucky. The official Wechat official account was not only fake but even forced to change its name.

On March 27th, an IP territory registered an official account of Wechat in Liaoning Province. The main body of the account was the individual industrial and commercial household of "Putian Licheng Wonderland Electronic products firm". Then, on March 29, the official certification of "Chengrui Investment" Wechat official account, and applied for "Chengrui" trademark protection.

Data show that the trademark is valid for April 6, 2028, and its ownership is held by Yang Lei, operator of Putian Licheng Wonderland Electronic products firm. According to the information, the trademark type called "Chengrui" is 36, while category 36 trademark services mainly refer to services related to financial and monetary affairs, including various financial services, banking services, insurance services, real estate and financial investment services.

You know, the official Wechat account of Chengrui Investment has not applied for the "Chengrui" trademark, nor has it been officially certified. In the face of this blatant provocation, Chengrui Investment issued a solemn statement on its official website on April 26. The statement pointed out that recently, some lawbreakers have carried out illegal activities in the name of the company, seriously infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of the company. Since its inception, the only official public account of the company is CR Assets. Apart from this official account, it has not authorized any other third party to open any relevant public account with words such as "credit" or "investment". Any organization or individual who falsely publishes false information in the name of "Shanghai Chengrui Investment Management Co., Ltd." or "Chengrui Investment" is an illegal and infringing act, and the company has reported the relevant situation to the public security organs and regulatory authorities. Report to China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association, and reserve the right to investigate its legal liability in accordance with the law.

In the statement, Chengrui Investment also reminded investors to strengthen prevention, pay attention to identify such illegal activities, beware of being deceived, and safeguard their own property safety and legitimate rights and interests. It pointed out that "if investors find the above illegal acts, please collect and preserve the evidence in time, and immediately report to the public security organs and regulatory departments, and recover the losses as soon as possible through legal procedures." "Please pay attention to the screening of relevant companies or individuals. Before the occurrence of any commercial activities, you can check by telephone to identify the true and false, and beware of illegal elements.50freespincoinmasterOur company name and company information carry out business illegally to avoid causing significant economic losses. "

The real official WeChat cannot be used, but the counterfeiters unexpectedly issued a solemn statement

Chengqi assets are more affected. On April 3, an IP dependent enterprise registered an official account of Wechat in Liaoning Province, with the main account as an individual industrial and commercial household of "poster Electronic products firm, Licheng District, Putian City". Then changed its name to "Chengqi assets" on April 10. This behavior directly led to the loss of the original official name of Chengqi assets, the real official Weibo account, on April 3, and the official account name of Wechat was changed to "".

Subsequently, Chengqi assets discovered the problem, re-certified the official Wechat account named "" as "Shenzhen Chengqi assets" on April 25, and issued a solemn statement on the same day. Recently, some Wechat platform users registered the official account "Chengqi assets" of the Wechat platform with the same name as the company, resulting in the abnormal use of the official account "Chengqi assets" of the Wechat platform, which was legally registered by the company in 2019, the statement said. The user registered the "newly registered official account" on April 3, 2024, and renamed the "newly registered official account" to "Chengqi assets" on April 10, 2024 and began to post information. The user's WeChat account is chengqizc, the main account is an individual industrial and commercial household in Putian City, and the territory of IP is Liaoning. The company solemnly declares that the official account of the above Wechat platform is not the company's official Wechat account and has nothing to do with the company.

But ironically, the fake official account of Wechat also issued a solemn statement. Among them, "recently, we learned that the WeChat account of XX Chengqi assets issued a statement to denigrate our company, and now make the following statement." Chengqi assets are authorized by our WeChat account and have trademark rights. The renaming of XX Chengqi assets is due to the unauthorized use of our trademark rights without our consent. XX Chengqi assets is not a subordinate unit of our company, nor is it a cooperative unit, which has nothing to do with our company! We have not released any cooperation or programs related to money. Please be vigilant. If any economic or legal disputes have nothing to do with our company, please seek help from the police. "

What's fake can't be true. In the statement issued by the fake Wechat official account, there was neither the company's registration nor the official seal, or even the irregular format.

In this counterfeiting incident, there are certain commonalities. The three fake official Wechat accounts, IP, all belong to Liaoning, and the registration time is concentrated from the end of March to mid-April this year. According to APP, the official account has been renamed as Shifeng Asset, Chengqi Asset and Chengrui Investment, all of which are located in Gongchen Street, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province. And the time of the establishment of the three companies is similar, the self-employed impersonating Shifeng assets was established on March 29 this year, and the other two were established on February 27 this year. Among them, "Putian Licheng District ou Ruibo Information Consulting Service Department" individual industrial and commercial households and "Putian Licheng Wonderland Electronic products firm" individual industrial and commercial operators are Yang Lei.

Investors should be on guard against fraud

In the view of Sun Enxiang, head of the Wealth partner Project of the platoon Network, self-employed people specially "touch porcelain" with 10 billion private equity intentions. He told the Huaxia Times that investors may suffer economic losses by trusting fake official accounts. Investors may mistake Gao Fang account for the official Wechat account of a real private equity firm, so as to receive and believe the false information or misleading investment advice issued by it, and make wrong investment decisions. In addition, the personal information of investors may be collected and used illegally.

"the purpose of the above three individual industrial and commercial households may be to attract the attention of investors and gain profits by imitating 10 billion private equity brand names." Lin Xianping, secretary general of the Institute of Culture and creativity of the City College of Zhejiang University, analyzed in an interview with the Huaxia Times that Gao Fang may use false information, false propaganda and other means to carry out fraudulent activities, bringing losses to investors.

People in the industry generally believe that the above actions may have serious consequences. Lin Xianping pointed out that fake high-imitation official Wechat accounts may post the same messages as real private equity firms, thus confusing information and causing ordinary investors to make wrong investment decisions. In addition, this kind of high imitation account may make use of false information or attractive investment opportunities to carry out fraudulent activities, induce investors to invest money, and eventually lead to the loss of interests. Gao's actions may also damage the reputation of real private equity firms and affect investors' trust in them.

So, for ordinary investors, in the face of a wide variety of official microblogs and official websites, how to distinguish between true and false?

Lin Xianping believes that if investors want to check the official information in detail, they can verify whether the official Wechat account is the official channel for private equity firms through the official website and customer service phone number. At the same time, pay attention to identify the official account logo, the real official WeChat usually has an official logo and authentication, such as QR code, organization name, etc., while Gao Fang may not have these logos. In addition, investors can compare the information released by true and false official WeChat, such as investment strategy, performance, and so on, to judge its authenticity. In short, investors should be vigilant under all circumstances to avoid trusting information from unknown sources, especially when it comes to investment decisions.

In identifying the true and false private equity official WeChat, Sun Enxiang suggested that on the one hand, investors should carefully verify the main body of the account to see whether the main information of the public account is consistent with that of private equity firms; on the other hand, if suspicious private equity firms are found to have high imitation accounts, they can report to the platform to help combat fraud. In addition, private equity firms should also pay attention to the trademark registration of Wechat official accounts, and timely detect all kinds of accounts with their own duplicate names and similar names, and give risk tips to investors.

Responsible Editor: Xu Yunxi, Editor-in-Chief: Gong Peijia

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