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tabletoparcade| Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Ministry of Natural Resources: Fight the battle to ensure the delivery of commercial housing projects and support local governments to recover land at reasonable prices

Politics 2024-05-18 09:05 40 editor

◎ reporter Yu Xiangming

Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, said at a regular policy briefing of the State Council on May 17.TabletoparcadeTogether with the General Administration of Financial Supervision and other departments, we will issue a work plan to ensure the delivery of urban commercial housing projects, adopt multiple measures and deal with them in different categories, do a good job in the battle of ensuring the delivery of commercial housing projects, prevent and dispose of the risk of unfinished housing, and promote the timely and quality delivery of the project, so that ordinary people can get qualified houses for acceptance as agreed in the contract.

Liu Guohong, vice minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said at the briefing that he is prepared to introduce policies and measures to properly dispose of idle land and invigorate the stock of land, and support local governments to proceed from reality. Appropriate recovery, acquisition and other ways to properly dispose of the idle stock of residential land has been sold to help enterprises solve their difficulties.

"at present, great changes have taken place in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market, and the real estate market is in the process of adjustment, and some commercial housing projects under construction and sale are facing delivery difficulties. If the housing project that has been sold ends badly, it will seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of buyers and affect the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, in order to earnestly do a good job in the work of ensuring the delivery of houses and protect the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers, the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Construction, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and other departments will issue a work plan to ensure the delivery of houses for urban commercial housing projects. " Dong Jianguo said.

According to reports, the Baojiaofang work plan focuses on grasping three requirements. First of all, we should take the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers as the fundamental starting point and foothold, adhere to the principles of marketization and the rule of law, take multiple measures and classified disposal, prevent and dispose of the risk of unfinished work, and promote the timely and quality delivery of the project. let ordinary people get qualified houses for acceptance as agreed in the contract. For those who are still unable to hand over a house by exhaustive means, the judicial approach should be taken, and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers should also be placed in the first place in judicial disposal. Secondly, make full use of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, put the project into the "whitelist" to give financing support. 297 cities at prefecture level and above across the country have established a real estate financing coordination mechanism, which should play a strong role in leading and coordinating the work of guaranteed housing. Finally, we should consolidate the responsibilities of local governments, real estate enterprises and financial institutions.

It is also an important work to ensure the delivery of housing, properly dispose of idle land and invigorate the stock of land. "there are mainly two lines in this work.TabletoparcadeOne line is to dispose of idle land in strict accordance with the law, and the other is to increase support for the activation and utilization of stock land. " Liu Guohong said. Among them, in promoting market circulation and transfer, it is mainly to give full play to the role of the secondary market of land, support advance registration and transfer and "transfer with mortgage", and encourage transfer or cooperative development.

At the same time, support local governments to recover land at reasonable prices, that is, to support local governments to recover idle land at reasonable prices for the construction of indemnificatory housing in accordance with the principle of "ordering on demand", and to allow local governments to adopt a "recovery-supply" parallel approach to simplify procedures, go through planning and land supply procedures, and better provide facilitation services.

"in addition, in order to implement the main responsibility of city and county governments and strengthen overall planning and coordination, cities and counties are required to establish a coordinated decision-making mechanism for disposing of idle land and invigorating existing land, improve decision-making procedures, improve administrative efficiency, and stick to the policy bottom line." Liu Guohong said.

tabletoparcade| Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Ministry of Natural Resources: Fight the battle to ensure the delivery of commercial housing projects and support local governments to recover land at reasonable prices

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