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gameofthemonthfreespins| Roll up a new height! A dividend ETF that can pay dividends up to 12 times a year unveiled

Politics 2024-05-19 04:04 36 editor

See also the dividend ETF of "monthly dividend"!

On May 16, 30ETF issued an announcement that the dividend mechanism will be assessed in the form of monthly dividends, with a maximum of 12 dividends per year.

At present, this is still an innovation in Hong Kong stock dividend products. Similar products have been unveiled in A shares before. The dividend ETF of Wanjia Securities listed in March and the dividend ETF of Cathay Pacific Shanghai state-owned enterprise listed on May 15 are the highest annual dividends of 12 times.

In the past two years, dividend assets have shone brilliantly. Since the beginning of this year, both the A-share market and the Hong Kong stock market, dividend strategy is still a very high-profile investment direction, looking forward to the future, institutions believe that the dividend style is expected to be sustainable in the medium and long term.

Revise the terms of dividend on the first day of listing

On May 16, the newly listed dividend 30ETF issued a notice to amend the terms of the "fund contract" on dividends. The revised contract indicates that the fund manager can evaluate the growth rate of the net value of the fund share and the growth rate of the target index every month, and when the growth rate of the net value of the fund share approved on the fund income evaluation date exceeds the growth rate of the target index in the same period, income distribution can be carried out.

This means that as long as the performance of the fund exceeds the performance of the index, the fund can pay dividends, up to 12 dividends a year.

Will the "monthly dividend" mechanism become a new trend?

With the increasingly fierce competition in the ETF market, various fund companies have also "rolled up" the dividend mechanism of their products. JPMorgan China Securities A50ETF, which went public in March, set a quarterly mandatory dividend of up to four times a year when excess earnings are positive. Subsequently, there have been a number of "monthly dividends" ETF unveiled.

On March 15, Wanjia China Securities dividend ETF was issued, and the fund was set up with a size of 3.Gameofthemonthfreespins.1.7 billion yuan. The fund has set a dividend clause in the contract, and when the excess rate of return reaches more than 0.01%, the manager can distribute the income on a monthly basis in accordance with the relevant provisions of the fund contract. In this regard, Wanjia funds expressed the hope that by increasing the frequency of fund dividends, the dividends of high-quality listed companies will be transmitted to the hands of fund holders, so that investors can feel the charm of dividends.

On May 15, the dividend ETF, a state-owned enterprise of Cathay Pacific Shanghai Stock Exchange, was listed. The fund was set up with a size of 303 million yuan, product management fee of 0.50% and escrow rate of 0.10%. The product adopts the form of monthly dividend evaluation in the dividend mechanism, with a maximum of 12 dividends per year. According to the agreement of the fund contract, when the growth rate of the net value of the fund share approved on the fund income evaluation date exceeds the growth rate of the target index in the same period, the income distribution can be carried out, and the fund income distribution does not need to make up for losses. Fund managers can carry out monthly assessment and income distribution, and can arrange income distribution under the conditions of fund dividends.

Some brokerage analysts believe that, in terms of the form of dividends, cash dividends of fund products can help to realize the clear realization of returns and intuitively optimize investors' income experience and sense of participation; from the frequency of dividends, monthly dividends are assessed more frequently, up to 12 dividends per year can enhance the number of fund feedback and provide a stable, continuous and intuitive investment experience.

"for investors, investors do not need to pay redemption fees to get the return of funds through cash dividends; for investors who choose to reinvest through dividends, they can also save a sum of subscription fees." Some industry insiders said that dividends, as a way for investors to get cash returns, can bring investors sense of security and a sense of achievement. In the current market environment, investors' demand for cash is getting stronger and stronger, so the ETF products with high-frequency sub-dividends are warmly sought after by the market. At the same time, the dividend also reduces the transaction costs of investors and improves the competitiveness of products.

The dividend style is expected to last in the medium to long term.

Since the beginning of this year, dividend strategy is a very concerned investment direction in both A-share market and Hong Kong stock market. How does the public offering look forward to the future?

Cathay Pacific Fund believes that the dividend style is still expected to continue in the medium to long term. In recent years, with the downward shift of the economic growth center, the deterministic advantage of dividend return has been further highlighted, and the characteristics of relatively low volatility and low pullback are also expected to provide a higher risk-return ratio for investment. The value of dividend assets is becoming more and more prominent.

Yang Kun, manager of Wanjia China Securities dividend ETF Fund, believes that the charm of dividend strategy lies in the long-term high success rate and low volatility. At present, the central expectation of long-end interest rates continues to move down, and the attractiveness of high dividend stocks is constantly increasing, which is expected to attract long-term funds with low risk preference and high volatility control requirements to enter the market. With the continuous improvement of the system and the active promotion of supervision, listed companies pay more attention to dividends, A-share dividends will be a long-term trend, and the long-term allocation value of dividend strategy is significant.

gameofthemonthfreespins| Roll up a new height! A dividend ETF that can pay dividends up to 12 times a year unveiled

Zhang Xiaofeng, the proposed fund manager of Xingzheng Global dividend mixed Fund, said that after the development of the capital market in recent years, shareholders' return awareness and dividend system of listed companies have been continuously strengthened, which is beneficial to dividend investors from the institutional framework. Relevant policies help to enhance the long-term investment value of dividend assets, provide investors with more predictable dividend cash flow, enhance shareholders' awareness of return of listed companies, and straighten out corporate governance. At the same time, a series of policies also show a red card for hollowed-out high-percentage dividends to prevent major shareholders from infringing on listed companies.GameofthemonthfreespinsHis shareholders' rights and interests.

With regard to the Hong Kong stock market, Huatai Perry Fund believes that after a three-year trough, Hong Kong stocks have recently ushered in a strong upward attack, and the positive changes on the policy side and the good expectation of economic repair have laid a solid foundation for the performance of Hong Kong stocks. The return of overseas capital and trading funds has led to an improvement in the capital side, which has jointly promoted the strong performance of the Hong Kong stock market this round, and the overall economic outlook of Hong Kong may have gradually turned optimistic. At present, Hong Kong stocks are in a relative valuation depression. With the improvement of the mainland economy and corporate earnings, the Hong Kong stock market is expected to continue to rebound, and the current allocation of more cost-effective Hong Kong stock dividend assets may be relatively better.

Editor: Wang Yunpeng

Proofread: Yang Lilin

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