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coinmasterdailyfreespinslevvvel| In the first weekend after the New Deal, a project sold for 300 million yuan, and Nanjing's property market activity increased significantly.

Politics 2024-05-22 10:44 40 editor

Interface News reporter | Yang Bingke

Under the superposition influence of the new policies such as the reduction of down payment and interest rate by the central bank and the local new policy in Nanjing.CoinmasterdailyfreespinslevvvelLast weekend, the Nanjing property market picked up obviously.

Interface news learned that in the past weekend, Nanjing developers issued red news one after another. According to the Investment Promotion Poly Wenyi and Song Xi News in the southern new town, there are more than 500 groups of visitors and sales of about 300 million. Jiang Ningjia and the red news report in Washington said "over 100 million". They sold about 20 sets at the weekend, with a score of more than 100 million.

Yuexiu Tiancai red news report says "Burning", which sells about 26 sets every week. The red news on the Poly International Trade Fair in Yanziji says "Hot momentum", which sells about 20 houses.

According to the data of online real estate in Nanjing, on May 18, about 349 commercial housing units were subscribed in Nanjing, with about 35 units sold; on May 19, about 272 commercial housing units in Nanjing were subscribed, with about 42 units sold; and on May 20, about 366 commercial housing units in Nanjing were subscribed, with about 137 units sold.

According to Nanjing Kerry, from May 13 to May 19, the supply of Nanjing property market rose 463 month-on-month.Coinmasterdailyfreespinslevvvel.43%, trading volume decreased by 32.58% from the previous month, and the average transaction price increased by 4% from the previous month.

coinmasterdailyfreespinslevvvel| In the first weekend after the New Deal, a project sold for 300 million yuan, and Nanjing's property market activity increased significantly.

The top three weekly transaction sets were Wan Kelang picking up Rain Core, Tianyue Jinlin and Feicui Shangcheng, with 26 sets, 18 sets and 16 sets respectively. The top three projects with weekly turnover were Wan Ke Lang picking up Rain Core, Jianfa Pu Yun and Tianyue Jinlin, with turnover of 103 million, 60 million and 50 million respectively.

In terms of direct data that reflect market expectations, a total of 14861 groups visited and 559 houses were subscribed this week, the number of weekly visits increased by 34.22% from the previous month, and the number of visits to Fengxiyuan, which had the highest increase, increased by 321.05%.

Kerry research report said that the activity of a number of real estate sites increased significantly, although the trading volume of most sectors decreased month-on-month, southwest of the river and Dongshan rose against the trend, trading was bright. With the cumulative effect of a number of policies, market confidence and expectations are gradually being repaired.

New progress has also been made in "exchanging the old for the new", which stimulates the vitality of the new housing market. According to the Nanjing Housing Society on May 21, the first batch of 52 groups of "trade-in" houses in Nanjing have been confirmed.

On April 27th, Nanjing Anju Construction Group issued a notice to carry out the pilot activity of "trade-in for new" stock housing, with an initial limit of 2000 units. As of May 20, there were about 3450 groups of online, telephone, and on-site consultations. WeChat Mini Programs's intention to register on the "Ning Xin" platform was about 4150 groups, and about 3430 groups met the requirements in the first trial. A total of 2230 groups visited the crime scene, and 515 groups of room changers paid the subscription fee for the intention of the new house. The first batch of 100 sets of housing source line under the inspection, evaluation results and other work has been completed. Last week, the group selected two batches of evaluation institutions from the database of evaluation institutions to carry out the inspection and evaluation of 200 houses at the same time, and is expected to basically complete the on-site inspection of houses in early June.

In addition, in terms of second-hand housing, according to data from the Nanjing Housing Society, last week, 2306 second-hand houses (including Gaochun and Lishui) were sold in Nanjing, up 33.4 percent from the previous month, including 2174 units in the nine districts of the main city. From the trading trend, trading volume after a short decline, once again returned to the mid-April level, a significant month-on-month increase.

I love my Nanjing company data show that after the introduction of the new policy, the market responded quickly, only two days over the weekend, second-hand housing volume increased by 20% compared with last week, transaction volume increased by more than 80%, the market showed obvious signs of recovery.

In addition to the rise in second-hand housing and transaction volume, the number of new listings has declined, and prices have risen for three consecutive weeks.

Last week, 1263 new second-hand houses were listed in Nanjing, down 11.4 percent from the previous month, and the average price of newly listed houses was 28252 yuan per square meter, up 1.3 percent from the previous month, according to the Nanjing Housing Society. The decrease in the number of new listings means that the supply of second-hand housing market reduces inventory, and the sharp rise in transactions indicates that the rising demand for second-hand housing accelerates the pace of destocking, which is conducive to the healthy development of the market as a whole. The price of newly listed housing has risen for three consecutive weeks, indicating that under the effect of the New deal, the mentality of owners has changed, price expectations have been raised, second-hand housing transaction prices have gradually stabilized, and some communities have taken the lead to stop falling and rising.

It is worth noting that as the central bank issued a document to reduce the down payment and interest rates, the landing situation around the country has become a hot spot. In Nanjing, the interest rate for the first home is 3.45% and that for the second home is 4.25%.

With a number of hot cities have landed to reduce the down payment, interest rates, Nanjing to reduce the down payment, two sets of interest rates are also expected.

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