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dappradarsplinterlands| Entering the short drama track? Huawei video public beta short drama complete collection and fast application

Politics 2024-05-24 16:24 55 editor

Sina Technology News on the afternoon of May 24dappradarsplinterlandsHuawei Video recently publicly tested a short drama Daquan app, sparking speculation that it will enter the short drama track.

dappradarsplinterlands| Entering the short drama track? Huawei video public beta short drama complete collection and fast application

It is reported that this fast app has launched public beta testing in the Huawei Member Center. The application brief is "Short Drama Complete Quick Applications, Enjoy Watching Massive Short Drama". Currently, the fast application is still in the testing stage, reminding users that the current number of short dramas is still small, focus on functions and experiences, and will continue to introduce new ones in the future.dappradarsplinterlandsshort play.

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