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freeprizewheel| Bank financial yields decline: 29 trillion yuan market faces asset allocation problems

Politics 2024-05-26 08:33 39 editor

News summary

The bank wealth management market yields have continued to decline, and 29 trillion yuan products are facing configuration difficulties. Many wealth management companies are working hard to increase returns and educate investors to invest rationally.

freeprizewheel| Bank financial yields decline: 29 trillion yuan market faces asset allocation problems

Newsletter text

China Fund News reported on May 25: Faced with the decline in benchmark interest rates and the delisting of high-interest deposit products, the bank wealth management market, with a scale of nearly 29 trillion yuan, is facing asset allocation challenges. At present, the yield of existing wealth management products and the performance benchmark of newly issued products continue to decline. This year's "asset shortage" problem still plagues the market, and the contradiction between product issuance and investment has become increasingly prominent. Market professionals revealed thatfreeprizewheelIn order to increase investor satisfaction, wealth management companies should not only implement a variety of strategies to increase product returns, but also strive to help investors establish reasonable income expectations and promote a rational investment attitude. Faced with this trend in the wealth management market, how wealth management companies adjust their product strategies to attract investors while ensuring the balance of benefits and risks has become the focus of attention in the industry.

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