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roninblockchainaxie| What are the May Day movies? These three films rank among the top pre-sales box office, and companies involved in the production or distribution have been exposed.

wixsite 2024-05-01 14:23 57 editor

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roninblockchainaxie| What are the May Day movies? These three films rank among the top pre-sales box office, and companies involved in the production or distribution have been exposed.

The overall box office performance of May Day this year is expected to remain high.

A total of 8 films have been scheduled for May 1 in 2024, of which two animated films have been introduced, including the code name of the spy.RoninblockchainaxieWhite and Hal's moving Castle will be released on April 30, while the other six films will be released on May 1.

According to the Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 0: 45 on May 1, the total box office of the 2024 51 new films (including spot screening and pre-sale) has exceeded 300 million yuan. "siege of Kowloon walled City", "Spy Family Code: White" and "peacekeeping Anti-riot team" are among the top three at the current box office (including spot screening and pre-sale).

The film market has continued to pick up since 2023. The box office of 2023 summer, 2024 yuan, Spring Festival and Qingming Festival all set new box office records for the corresponding period in Chinese film history. This year, the overall supply of May 1 films is sufficient, with themes ranging from comedy, crime, suspense, daylight and other types to cover the audience, and the box office performance is expected to remain high.

A number of listed companies have participated in the distribution of May 1st films.

In May 1 this year, a number of listed companies have participated in the production of 8 films.

Alibaba Pictures is the most involved listed company, covering four films, including the production and release of "peacekeeping riot squad" and "Journey through the Moon", the production and joint release of "nothing that can't be solved by Hot Pot", and the co-production of "the siege of Kowloon walled City".

Chinese film and Hengdian film and television related companies participated in the production and distribution of "the siege of Kowloon walled City".

Espionage: White is a Japanese animated film adapted from the animated IP of cartoonist Daya Endo, and the Chinese film participated in the distribution of the film.

Wanda film participated in the release of the action drama "peacekeeping Anti-riot team".

Guotai Junan said that the May 1 film is a long holiday period second only to the Spring Festival and National Day stalls, and cinemas have been able to earn an average of more than 300 million yuan a day in normal business years since 2018. The May 1st category is suitable for the release of medium-sized films, which are expected to earn 300 million to 500 million yuan at the box office. with the help of the schedule, the total box office of some high-quality films is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan, thus bringing excess revenue for the film participants.

Galaxy Securities said that judging from the current performance of the film market, it believes that the recovery and development trend of the film industry will remain unchanged in 2024, and the film market still has room for sustained recovery and growth. It is suggested that attention should be paid to: 1Roninblockchainaxie. A company with sufficient reserves and high-quality content to be shown.Roninblockchainaxie; 2Roninblockchainaxie. The leading cinema line that benefits from the pick-up in demand; 3. The business covers the whole industry chain of film production, distribution and broadcasting, which also benefits from the supply and repair of imported films. Online ticketing services benefit from the recovery of the market and companies with outstanding film production and publicity capabilities.

A number of film and television concept stocks made a comeback

According to Securities Times data Bao statistics, the average share price of film and television concept stocks fell 5.11% during the year, and the overall performance was weaker than the market. China Television Media, Huatze Film and Television, Ciwen Media and Shanghai Film were relatively strong, rising more than 20% during the year.

According to the annual report performance data, Wanda Film has the highest net profit, with operating income of 14.62 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 50.79% over the same period last year; net profit of 912 million yuan, turning losses into profits over the same period last year; net cash flow generated by operating activities was 4.423 billion yuan, an increase of 270.40% over the same period last year. The company's market share was 16.7% in 2023, ranking first in the industry for 15 consecutive years.

With the recovery of the film industry in 2023, the performance of listed companies has also ushered in a turning point, in addition to Wanda Film, there are Light Media, China Film, China Television Media and other 8 shares also achieve a year-on-year turnaround.

Judging from the results in the first quarter of this year, Light Media, Wanda Film, Hengdian Film and Jebsen shares ranked first in terms of single-quarter net profit, all exceeding 100 million yuan. Light Media, Wanda Film and Hengdian Film and Television all achieved year-on-year growth in the first quarter of 2023.

In a recent survey conducted by more than 100 institutions, Light Media said that the national box office in 2023 was 54.915 billion yuan, and the number of moviegoers reached 1.299 billion, the highest in nearly four years. The company's box office performance is among the best among studios, which is the second best in the company's history. It is expected that 2024 will continue the 2023 market trend. Whether the total box office is no less than 2023 mainly depends on the supply of films and the popularity of the market.

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