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60freespinsnodeposit| Near 3100 points, what does the Science and Technology Innovation 100 think?

wixsite 2024-05-07 20:04 51 editor

After yesterday's market volume rose sharply, today began to shrink consolidation, but fortunately, the market is not volatile, the market is full of resilience. As of the close, the Prev is up 0%.60freespinsnodeposit.22%, down 0%60freespinsnodeposit.08%, the gem index fell 0.14%.

During this period, the policy side has given a great boost, especially in the direction of real estate. First-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have moved frequently, and the basic direction is to relax the threshold for housing purchase and stabilize the healthy development of the real estate market. This will also form a certain positive for A-shares.

Today, low-altitude economy has once again become a hot spot in the market, with related concepts such as low-altitude economy, aero-engine, general aviation and so on leading the rise. Sister F has also mentioned the low-level economy before, which is indeed one of the main lines of the market this year, but many friends are worried that there is no relevant fund products to layout.

60freespinsnodeposit| Near 3100 points, what does the Science and Technology Innovation 100 think?

Sister F thinks that we might as well pay more attention to the Kechuang 100 Index, because the hard science and technology attributes of the 100 Kechuang stocks are just in line with the industrial characteristics of the low-altitude economy. Take the core carrier of low-altitude economy UAV and flying vehicle as an example, involving general aviation, high-end manufacturing and other high-tech industries, their related industrial chains need a lot of scientific and technological innovation support.

Kechuang 100 Index stocks are composed of 100 stocks with medium market capitalization and good liquidity outside the sample of Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Index. About 80 per cent of the constituent stocks have a market capitalization of less than 20 billion yuan, and the growth style of small and medium-sized companies is obvious, and there may be more room for growth in the future.

According to the second-level industry classification of Shenwan of Wind, the Kechuang 100 Index mainly covers emerging technology industries such as semiconductors, medical devices, biological products, batteries, chemical pharmaceuticals and so on.

Secondly, although Kechuang 100 is an index full of science and technology, its industry configuration is relatively balanced, and only three Shenwan secondary industries have more weight than60freespinsnodeposit10%, which is more conducive to risk diversification, but also reflects greater diversity and growth.

At present, the Prev index has stood above 3100 points, and the market index represented by Shanghai 50 and Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 has turned red this year, while the small and medium-sized index represented by the Kechuang 100 index is currently outperforming the market.

At this time, if the market wants to choose the direction, it may prefer the small and medium-sized technology sector that is waiting to rise. After all, from a financial point of view, the science and technology plate is smaller and more flexible than the big blue chip plate.

At the same time, the Kechuang 100 index has been in a pullback for two consecutive years, with a maximum decline of about 50%, with relatively sufficient time and space for adjustment, which is in a relatively low position.

The market estimates that the compound profit growth rate of the Kechuang 100 index in the next two years (2024-2025) will be 37.06%, or showing a trend of rapid development. (data source60freespinsnodepositWind, China Investment Securities)

In the long run, Kechuang 100ETF may have good investment value. Interested friends may wish to pay more attention to Kechuang South (588900). As a product focused on the field of scientific and technological innovation in the market, it is expected to share the dividend brought by technological growth in the future.

Risk hint: the fund is risky and the investment should be cautious. Public offering securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "fund") is a long-term investment tool, its main function is to diversify investment and reduce individual risks caused by investing in a single securities. Funds are different from financial instruments such as bank savings, which can provide fixed income expectations. when you buy fund products, you may not only share the income generated by the fund investment according to your share, but also bear the losses caused by the fund investment. Before you make an investment decision, please carefully read the product legal documents such as fund contract, fund prospectus and summary of fund product information, and this risk disclosure book, so as to fully understand the risk-return characteristics and product characteristics of the fund. Seriously consider the various risk factors existing in the fund, and fully consider your own risk tolerance according to your own investment purpose, investment period, investment experience, asset status and other factors. On the basis of understanding the product situation and sales appropriateness opinions, rational judgment and careful investment decisions are made. According to the relevant laws and regulations, Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. made the following risk revelation: first, according to the different investment objects, funds are divided into stock funds, mixed funds, bond funds, money market funds, funds in funds, commodity funds and other different types of funds, you invest in different types of funds will get different returns expected, will also bear different degrees of risk. In general, the higher the expected return of the fund, the greater the risk you take. Second, the fund may face all kinds of risks in the process of investment operation, including not only market risk, but also fund management risk, technical risk and compliance risk. A huge redemption risk is a risk unique to open-end funds, that is, when the net redemption application of a single open-end fund exceeds a certain proportion of the total share of the fund (10% for open-end funds and 20% for regular open-end funds, except for the special products prescribed by the CSRC), you may not be able to redeem all the fund shares you have applied for in time, or the payment of your redemption may be delayed. Third, you should fully understand the difference between regular fixed investment and zero deposit and withdrawal of the fund. Regular quota investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investment and average investment cost, but it can not avoid the risks inherent in fund investment and can not guarantee investors to obtain returns. it is not an equivalent way of financial management instead of savings. Fourth, the fund manager undertakes to manage and use the fund assets in good faith and diligence, but does not guarantee the profit of the fund or the minimum return. The past performance and net worth of the Fund do not predict its future performance, and the performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute a guarantee of the performance of the Fund. Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. reminds you of the "buyer's responsibility" principle of fund investment. After making an investment decision, you will bear the investment risk caused by the change of fund operation and fund net worth. Fund managers, fund custodians, fund sales institutions and relevant institutions do not make any commitment or guarantee to the investment income of the fund. 5. Kechuang 100ETF Southern (588900) shall be raised by Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "fund manager") in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and agreements, and shall be registered with the permission of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC"). The fund contract, fund prospectus and summary of fund product information of the Fund have been publicly disclosed through the CSRC Fund Electronic Disclosure website [] and the Fund Manager website []. The registration of the Fund by the CSRC does not mean that it makes a substantial judgment or guarantee on the investment value, market prospects and returns of the Fund, nor does it mean that there is no risk to invest in the Fund. The comment area does not represent the official account "Great ETF" opinion. The above contents are only personal views, do not represent the formal views and positions of the organization, the views may be changed or updated in the future, we strive but do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the content, the fund is risky, investment should be cautious.

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