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gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree| Zhaoxin Shares (002256.SZ): It is planned to transfer all equity rights of small, medium and micro enterprises at no less than 150 million yuan

wixsite 2024-05-15 22:05 36 editor

Gelonghui May 15 丨 Zhaoxin Shares (002256)(002256gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree.SZ) announced that the company held the 44th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors on May 15, 2024, and reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the Proposed Transfer of All Equity Rights of Shenzhen Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Investment Management Co., Ltd." in order to reduce the proportion of the company's financial investment and optimize the company's external investment structure, while further focusing on the main business, improving the asset structure, optimizing resource allocation, reducing the company's operating risks and improving the company's development quality. The company plans to adjust relevant businesses and sell the entire equity of Shenzhen Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Investment Management Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises" or "Target Company"), a joint-stock company.

The counterparty of this equity transfer is currently uncertain. The company plans to negotiate and determine it through public listing, negotiated transfer, etc. Since the book value of the target company is 180 million yuan, combined with the recent comparable equity transaction pricing of the target company on the market, it is expected that the transfer price will not be less than RMB 150 million.

gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree| Zhaoxin Shares (002256.SZ): It is planned to transfer all equity rights of small, medium and micro enterprises at no less than 150 million yuan

gamelikeaxieinfinitybutfree: Congratulations

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