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oldarcade| After the shock, the price of gold returned to the upward trend. The prices of many "gold +" products from bank wealth management companies have rebounded, and the net value of some products has reached previous highs.

wixsite 2024-05-21 17:53 56 editor

Source: financial Union

Gold is still strong after a small shock. As of the press releaseOldarcadeThe price of gold in London remains at 2416Oldarcade.83 USD / oz high, COMEX gold quotation 2420Oldarcade.4 US dollars per ounce.

In recent months, financial companies, including China Bank Financial Management, Everbright Financial Management, Ping an Financial Management, and so on, have distributed "gold +" financial products. Due to the sharp fluctuations in international gold prices last month, the net worth of many "gold plus" wealth management products has fallen from the high in the first half of the year.

oldarcade| After the shock, the price of gold returned to the upward trend. The prices of many "gold +" products from bank wealth management companies have rebounded, and the net value of some products has reached previous highs.

However, as gold prices have fluctuated recently, the net worth of related wealth management products has also rebounded. The net worth of related products has even been refreshed before high.

The net value of many "gold plus" wealth management products has warmed up after fluctuations, and the net value of some products has been high before refreshing.

Affected by the upward shock of gold prices, the prices of a number of "gold +" financial products have warmed up with the gold price, and the net worth has resumed the climbing mode.

China Merchants Bank has launched a number of gold-linked wealth management products in the past half a year, with an annualized rate of more than 4%. Take "Zhaorui Target Yingwenjin No. 2" as an example, this product is a combination of bonds, gold and quantitative neutral strategy, and the benchmark of product performance is an annualized interest rate of 2.6% to 5.0%. During the year, the unit net worth of "Zhaorui Target Yingwenjin No. 2" fell from a peak of 1.0119 to 1.0102. However, as of May 17, the unit net worth of the product had risen to 1.0131.

In addition, the net value of Huaxia Financial Management products No. 8 (Precious Metals Index) also fell from the highest point of 1.2505 to 1.0889. As of May 17, the unit net worth of the product had rebounded to 1.2118. As of May 16, the yield of Huaxia Financial Management products No. 8 (Precious Metals Index) has reached 25.49% so far this year.

Combing, the current "gold plus" financial products launched by financial companies are still mainly sound, mostly traditional bond assets, as a more stable coupon income; the proportion of gold assets varies from 10% to 20%. In terms of investment period, this kind of "gold +" financial products are mostly in 3 months to 1 year.

On the whole, a number of "gold +" financial products have a strong advantage in the rate of return. Up to now, the annualized rate of "Zhaorui Target Yingwenjin No. 4", which has been established for 41 days, has reached 4.22%, and that of "Zhaorui Target Yingwenjin No. 24, No. 1" has reached 6.35% since its inception. "Zhaorui target Yingwenjin No. 2" has been annualized at an annual rate of 4.29% since its inception. According to Minsheng Bank's first team statistics, as of the end of April, the annualized rate of return of "fixed collection + gold" representative products so far this year is 7.82%, far exceeding the pure fixed income (3.99%) and solid collection + category (3.94%) in the same period.

What do you think of the future?Oldarcade? Industry: bullish but beware of risks

At present, the layout of wealth management companies for precious metals continues.

According to China Financial Management Network, at present, Minsheng Financial Management and Ping an Financial Management are issuing gold-linked wealth management products, which are still based on fixed income assets, with less than 10% of gold assets. For example, Minsheng Finance issued the "Maozhu fixed gold to enhance the holding period of half a year", for the fixed income category, R2 risk level, annualized performance benchmark 3.0%-4.5%.

With regard to the layout of "gold plus" wealth management products by wealth management companies, Yang Guozhong, a researcher on Puyi standards, told the Financial Associated Press: "in the past five years, due to global geopolitical tensions, various economic risks have occurred frequently. Gold prices have risen sharply from more than 1200 US dollars per ounce to the current more than 2400 US dollars per ounce. For bank financial management, whether the products directly invest in physical gold or through derivatives linked to the price of gold, there are full profit opportunities. "

For the future trend of gold prices, a number of institutions and analysts said there is still room to rise. Soochow Securities Research News said that due to the impact of rising expectations of overseas interest rate cuts and Israel's crackdown on eastern Rafah, cease-fire negotiations were inconclusive, resulting in renewed geopolitical risks in the Middle East. Gold prices at home and abroad are moving well, and gold prices are expected to maintain a volatile upward trend.

More voices are "be on the lookout for risks". Looking forward to wealth management products linked to precious metals, Yang Guozhong also suggested that the current gold price is close to the high point predicted by some institutions, there are still new risk events to push up gold prices, and the possibility of shocks is also increasing. The issuing scale of subsequent "gold plus" financial products depends on the research and judgment of gold prices by various institutions.

With the fluctuation of gold prices, the Shanghai Gold Exchange issued an emergency announcement on May 20, saying that there are many uncertain factors affecting market operation in the near future, market risks have significantly increased, and price fluctuations have significantly increased. Member units are requested to raise their awareness of risk prevention, do a good job in risk emergency plans, and remind investors to do a good job in risk prevention, reasonable control of positions, and rational investment.

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