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thearcademachine| Yihualu Fuzhou Data Lake completes the first public data product entry in Jiangxi Province

wixsite 2024-05-24 00:26 39 editor

recentthearcademachine, Yi Hualu (300212), Fuzhou Data Lake (Jiangxi Digital Juhuafu Information Technology Co., Ltd.), together with Jiangxi Province Public Resource Trading Group, Fuzhou City Digital Economic Investment Group Co., Ltd., and China Telecom Fuzhou Branch, successfully completed the entry of data assets of public data products into the statement, realized product signing, and generated transaction income. This is also the first time in Jiangxi Province that data assets based on public data products have been put into the table, marking the new stage of Fuzhou Data Lake from "data resource management" to "data asset operation" and achieving a high level of public data products in the market. Sustainable profitability.

Based on the current situation of public data operations in Fuzhou City, Fuzhou Data Lake has successfully overcome a series of problems such as data asset ownership analysis, expected economic benefit inflow demonstration, cost collection, impairment and amortization, and data asset income distribution during the implementation of data asset entry and data asset management and circulation.

As a public data operator in Fuzhou City, Fuzhou Data Lake plays a key role in promoting the high-quality development of Fuzhou's digital economy. In the future, it will continue to explore effective paths for data asset operations, give full play to the amplification, superposition and multiplication effects of data elements, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of data element markets in Fuzhou City and Jiangxi Province.

thearcademachine| Yihualu Fuzhou Data Lake completes the first public data product entry in Jiangxi Province

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